the apple tree
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Summer evenings were so full o f adventures for me and my brothers.  We planned all day for camping out in the backyard and hanging out up in the apple tree. My Dad planted two apple trees in the middle of our back yard. Years went by and the trees grew rapidly. We hammered nails into the trunk to fasten our steps. Jack, Dave and myself built a tree house using any boards that we could find. The tree house had a floor and sides, but the roof was the wide open space of sky.  Jack and Dave spent a lot of time up there planning things, and my job was to be the water girl. I was the gofer. I didn’t mind because if I did my job I was allowed to go up there and stay there as long as I wanted to. We had a tent that we could sleep in. We always had a fire and did marshmellows and hot dogs and in the morning, sometimes we fried eggs. I usually went back inside the house around 11:00 p.m. as mom would never lock the door. As a matter of fact, she never locked any of the doors. That’s how it was back then. (in the 1950’s).